Medium: Divine Purpose, Transformation & Life Force - 2
Medium: 3" x 3" x 2.75"high
VIOLET FLAME AURA QUARTZ - St. Germain - Divine Purpose - Clarity of Focused Thought - Etheric & Auric Cleanser & Healer - Transmutation into the Highest Good - Freedom - Joy - Raises Vibration of Beings and Spaces - All Chakras, especially 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras
MALACHITE - ArchAngel Raphael, Kuthumi - Stone of Transformation - Power Stone - Amplifies both negative and positive energies always in Balance - Grounds spiritual energies onto the Earth - Guards against Radiation of all kinds - Clears EMF's and Heals the Earth - Assists in receiving mental images from the subconscious - Increases Intellect and Understanding - Stone of Travel - Psychic Protection - Throat & Third Eye Chakra
BLACK TOURMALINE - Kuthumi - Talisman of Protection - Psychic Shield - Shamanic Stone of Protection in Ritual - Grounding - Enhances Understanding - Increases Self-Confidence - Amplifies Psychic Energies - Neutralizes Negative Energies, Fear, Grief - Stone for Communication with Higher Forces - Absorbs Negativity - Aligns Energetic Channels in the Body - Healing - Root Chakra
SHUNGITE - Northwest Russia - Stone of Life - Unique Crystal Lattice Purifies, Heals, Protects, Restores and Stimulates Growth - Natural Antioxidant / Suppresses Allergies - Neutralizes EMF's, BioFields & Geo-pathic Stress - Base Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
FLOWER OF LIFE - 13 Circles - Contains one of the most sacred and important patterns of creation in the Universe. Everything is made from the Creator's thought. Within the Flower of Life is the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, Metatron's Cube and the Holy Trinity.