FORGET-ME-NOT - Awakens the Soul to the Higher Levels of Heart Exchange - Mediumship -Clarity - Health - Focus - Memory - Love - Success - Efficiency
IRIS - Alignment with Inner Truth - Creativity - Refined Balance - Intuition and Divine Messages - Rainbow Goddess Energies - Promotes Healing + Clears Inner Obsticales - Purification - Protection - In Between Words - Love
LAVENDER - Clarity - Divine Alignment - Balance & Harmony - Joy - Cleanses Auric Field - Peace - Meditation - Protection - Relaxation - Unrequited Love - Cleansing - Balancing Relationships - Pain Relief - Empowerment
LILY - Divine Assistance - Angelic Invocation - Divine Love + Beauty - Goddess Energies - Legal Success - Safe Travel - Entity Clearing & Protection
PASSION FLOWER - Self Realization + Clarity - Recognition of True Calling in Life - Spiritual Security - Relaxation - Purification - Service to Others - Forgiveness - Consciousness De-Programming -
ROSE - Heart Connection - Spirituality - Purification - Abundance & Beauty - Clearings & Blessings - Dreams - Friendship - Romantic Love - Protection - Self Love and Acceptance - Heart Chakra
ZINNIA - Exuberant Joy - Delight - Playfulness & Innocence - Unconditional Love