"In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals; for Tuawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent Animals to tell man that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and moon, man should learn... for all things speak of Tuawa" - Chief Letakos-Lesa of the Pawnees Tribe, circa 1904
BEAR - Awakening the Power of the Unconscious - Goddess Diana
Cycle of Power: Spring and Summer
Constellation: Ursus Major
Symbol: Alchemy, Primal Instinct, Primal Matter
Teaching: Go inward and awaken the potentials inherent to your own soul
Attunement: Trees
BUFFALO / BISON - Manifesting Abundance Through Right Action and Right Prayer
Cycle of Power: Year-round
Teaching: Incorporate your efforts with the Divine Mind and ground. Power not force.
Key Word: Syncronicity
BUTTERFLY - Transmutation and the Dance of Joy
Symbol: Soul, Conjugal Bliss, Change
Energy: Lightness of Being, Move and Dance, Sweetness of Life
Teaching: Transformation is inevitable and doesn't have to be traumatic.
COUGAR - Coming into Your Own Power
Cycle of Power: Year-round
Teaching: Decisiveness in the use of personal power. Understanding gentleness. Hone your skills and power.
Energy: Assertiveness
DOLPHIN - The Power of Breath and Sound - Greek Messenger of the Gods
Cycle of Power: Year-round
Element: Air, Water, Sonics
Energy: Intelligence. Ability to Open New Creations and Dimensions, Patience, Passion, Sexuality and Manifestation.
Teaching: All creation begins with sound. Pay attention to your words and thoughts. Get out and play.
DRAGONFLY - Power of Light
Cycle of Power: Daytime
Elements: Water, Air
Energy: Ancient, Magic of Light, color, and illusion. Transformation (passion and emotions in youth evolve into mindful measure with age). Souls of dead.
Teaching: Take care not to neglect emotions. See through illusions and use your creative imagination as a force within your life.
EAGLE - Illumination of Spirit, Healing, and Creation - Egypt. Zeus, Rome, Native Americans, America
Cycle of Power: Daylight-All Seasons
Element: Air
Energy: Spiritual power, capable of reaching zenith, great perception, bridging worlds. Vision into the past, present and future. Creativity
Aspect: Balance, Conservation, Control, and Responsibility.
ELK (Wapiti) - Strength and Nobility
Cycle of Power: Autumn
Energy: Stamina, pace, stride, and companionship
Association: Strength through partnership. Sexual power - Creation.
HORSE - Travel, Power, and Freedom - Odin, Surya and Apollo
Cycle of Power: Year-round
Energy: Adventure, Imagination, Clairvoyance, Power
Symbol: Sexuality
HUMMINGBIRD: Tireless Joy and the Nectar of Life
Cycle of Power: Daytime
Element: Air
Energy: Enchantment, balance, health. Flower knowlege, Independence.
Association: Cause and Effect. Recognizing miracles.
LION: Assertation of the Feminine and Power of the Female Sun - Mithra, Sekhmet
Cycle of Power: Year-round
Energy: Nuture, Hard work, creation, intuition, and imagination. Protection. Trust the power of your strength.
Aspect: Gold, Sulphur, Great Central Sun
OWL - The Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom, and Vision in the Night - Athena
Cycle of Power: Noctural-Year Round
Element: Air
Energy: Self Mastery, Healing Powers, High Wisdom - Light in the darkness
Association: Astral Projection, clairvoyance, magic (both black and white) Optical Calcite
RAVEN - Magic, Shapeshifting, and Creation
Cycle of Power: Winter Solstice
Element: Air
Energy: Messenger or omen, blending of human and animal. Oration. Creative force.
Teaching: Go into the darkness and bring forth light - the act of creation.
Norse Lore: Odin's Messengers: Hugin (thought) and Munin (memory).
RHINOCEROS - Ancient Wisdom
Cycle of Power: Year-long
Axiom: Know Thyself
Energy: Solitary, discrimination, spiritual idealism, inner wisdom.
SHARK - Primal Power
Cycle of Power: All time
Energy: Determination, Focus, Overcoming Obstacles, Inner Strength. Purpose and Precision.
Teaching: Build self confidence and the belief in your own abilities. Time to trust your inner navigation.
SNAKE - Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, and Wisdom - Quetzalcoatl - Vinata - Sacred Sight of Ra
Symbol: Kundalini - Orouborus
Energy: Transformation, Alchemy, Underworld, Water, and Healing - Sexual and Creative Life force. Compassion, Clairvoyance and Charm. Guardian
Teaching: Death and Rebirth - Transition. Alchemy - Turning lead into Gold. Higher Wisdom that comes through time.
SNOW LEOPARD - Overcoming Our Demons and Haunts, and Renewal
Cycle of Power: Early Morning, Dusk & Early Evening
Energy: Intuition and Instinct. Past Life connections to the Himalayas. Divine Protection. Solitary and Secretive.
Promise: New life, new perception and renewed perspective on life.
TURTLE - Motherhood, Longevity, Awakening to Opportunities
Symbol: Blessings and Unification of both Heaven and Earth
Energy: Awakening of Senses in both the metaphysical and physical worlds. Vision, Clairvoyance.
Advice: Slow down. Go within for your answers. Use your mind and power to right your life and direction
WOLF - Guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, and Spirit
Cycle of Power: Year Round - Full Moon -Twilight
Energy: Loyalty, Family, Complex Culture and Intelligence. WIld Spirit.
Psychic Insight.
Teaching: New paths - Guarded with strength and love - you are the govenor of your life - Take control with harmony and discipline.