Medium: Serenity, Intuitive Awareness & Wisdom - 10
Regularly $130.00
Medium: 3" x 3" x 2.75"high
SMOKY QUARTZ - ArchAngel Jophiel - Stone of Serenity & Grounding - Links Higher Self - Mediumship - Uncovers Wisdom - Aligns Meridians of Physical & Etheric - Brings Abundance, Prosperity & Luck - Balances Mind & Energy - Initiates a Powerful Force Field - Transforms Negativity & Grief - Root & Solar Plexus Chakras
AMETHYST - ArchAngels Azrael & Jeremiel, St. Germain, Master Hilarion, Kuthumi - Stone of Protection/Spirituality/Contentment, Quickens the Mind, Cleansing, Healing, Calming, Bringer of Peace, Transformation, Known as the Stone of Change, Breaks up old Thought & Assists in Psychic Openings, Inner Strength, Increases Psychic Powers, Detoxification, the Artist's Stone - Sixth & Seventh Chakra
PERIDOT - ArchAngel Raziel, Raphael, Sabrael & Zadkiel, Lakshmi, Pele - Stone of Healing & Vitality - Increases Patience, Confidence, Assertiveness - Slows the Aging Process - Stimulates the Mind - Visionary Stone - Connects to One's Destiny - Deepens Understanding of Purpose - Clears the Heart - Releases Ego - Enhances Sense of Peace and Quiet - Amplifies Intuitive Awareness - Alleviates Negative Emotions - Especially Good for Healing the Healers - Solar Plexus & Heart Chakras
SPECTROLITE - Accesses Highest Levels of Consciousness & Metaphysical Gifts - Wisdom - Etheric Blueprint - Encourages Freedom - Bio-magnetic Sheath - Third Eye Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
FLOWER OF LIFE - 13 Circles - Contains one of the most sacred and important patterns of creation in the Universe. Everything is made from the Creator's thought. Within the Flower of Life is the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, Metatron's Cube and the Holy Trinity.