


Medium: Butterfly / Blue Crackle - 8

Image of Medium:  Butterfly / Blue Crackle - 8

BUTTERFLY - Transmutation and the Dance of Joy
Symbol: Soul, Conjugal Bliss, Change
Energy: Lightness of Being, Move and Dance, Sweetness of Life
Teaching: Transformation is inevitable and doesn't have to be traumatic.

Medium: 3" x 3" x 2.75"high
BLUE CRACKLE QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael - Energy Expansion - Joy - Fun - Life Force - Inspires Emotional Responsibility & Sovereignty - Higher Self Contact - Communication - Being Heard - Assists with Speech and Hearing Challenges - Physical Recharge - Aires, Gemini & Leo - Links Solar Plexus to Heart

AQUA MARINE - ArchAngel Gabriel & Raguel, Sea Goddess - Stone of Courage - Clarifies Perception - Sharpens Intellect - Useful for Closure on All Levels Good Luck, Fearlessness, Protection - Moon Energies - Mystical Inspiration - Opens Clairvoyance - Shields the Aura & Aligns Chakras - Aquarius & Pisces - Throat Chakra

EMERALD - Sananda, Master Hilarion, Goddess Venus - Stone of Love, Romance & Great Harmony -Brings Joy, Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Memory & Faith - Symbol of Hope - Stone of Prophecy - Intuition, Communication, Truthfulness - Faithfulness - Imparts Wisdom - Heart Chakra

PEARL - ArchAngel Gabriel - Connects One with the Goddess / Divine Feminine. Balances Emotions, Promotes Faith, Charity & Integrity. Absorbs Negativity. Heals All Chakras

CITRINE - ArchAngel Raphael, Sekhmet - One of only two minerals on the Planet which does not hold or accumulate negative Energy, but dispels and Transforms it. Brings Happiness, Personal Power, Creativity, Discipline, Will Power, Self Confidence. Light Citrine is Sun Energy - Good in Winter. Lucky Stone for Wealth & Abundance, Especially good for starting a new business. Prepares the Body, emotions & Mind to Release what No Longer serves & Move into Next higher State. 2nd Chakra

HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil