Medium: Sleep, Tranquility, Relaxation & Peace - 14
Medium: 3" x 3" x 2.75"high
BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, One of the most Powerful & Energetic Healing Stones on the Planet. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras
CONGOLESE CHRYSOCOLLA - Master Hilarion, Kuthumi - Stone of Tranquility - Invokes Inner Strength & Self Awareness - Draw off All kinds of Negativity - Stabilizes + Heals Relationships - Clear Gentle Communication - Assists with serenity during Change - Cleanses & re-Energizes All Chakras, Aligning them with the Divine - Draws negativity out of Solar Plexus - Opens Third Eye Chakra - Heals Heart Chakra - Increases Capacity to Love
PISTACHIO/CARRIBEAN CALCITE - Stone of Humanity - Native American Holy Stone - bestowed as a gift by the Gods - Amplifies and Increases Energy - Protection - Grounding - Bringer of Inner Peace - Relaxation - Calm - Clears Negative Emotions - Power of the Sea - Goddess Energy - Loving Response
SELENITE - ArchAngel Gabriel, Ganesh - An Ancient Stone. Link to Light Body - helping Anchor to Earth. One of the most Powerful Stones for New Earth. Carries Imprint of all that has happened in the World. Excellent for Meditation, Spiritual Work. Placed in Home - Brings Peace. Neutralizes Mercury Poisoning Very Fine Vibration - Opening Crown & Higher Chakras
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
SRI YANTRA - Buddist - Sri Yantra, also called Sri Chakra, is a 2 dimensional symbol of the 3 dimensional form representing Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of the universe and the unity of the cosmos. It is known to usher in peace, prosperity, harmony and good fortune. The Sri Yantra in a 3 dimensional form is a multi pyramid triangular grid signifying unlimited abundance and positive powers. The five downward pointing triangles represent the Shakti (female), and the four upright triangles represent Shiva (male). The nine interlocking triangles form 43 small triangles each associated with a particular aspect of existence.