Medium: Blood Support, Master Healer & Protection - 1
Regularly $125.00
Medium: 3" x 3" x 2.75"high
BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, Said to be the Most Powerful & Energetic healing Stone on the Planet. Surgical Precision as far as Energy. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras
GARNET - ArchAngel Raphael - Stone of Passionate Devotion, Wholeness, Healing, Unity. Lucky in Love, Success & Goals - Regenerating Stone, Cleansing and Reenergizing of the Chakras - Serenity - Protective Talisman - Stimulates the Controlled Rise of Kundalini Energy - Stone of Commitment - Brings Courage + Hope - Expands Awareness & Past Life ReCall -Stimulates - Metabolism- Cubic Structure Amplifies Effects of other Crystals
HEMATITE - ArchAngel Uriel - Stone of Protection, Balance & Equilibrium - Absorbs Negativity - Transforms Positivity - Releases Limitation, Aids Ascension - Protects against geo-pathic stress & electromagnetic smog - Excellent detoxifying stone - Assists Light Workers to function in Physical - All Chakras, Especially Solar Plexus + Root Chakra
BLACK TOURMALINE - Kuthumi - Talisman of Protection - Psychic Shield - Shamanic Stone of Protection in Ritual - Grounding - Enhances Understanding - Increases Self-Confidence - Amplifies Psychic Energies - Neutralizes Negative Energies, Fear, Grief - Stone for Communication with Higher Forces - Absorbs Negativity - Aligns Energetic Channels in the Body - Healing - Root Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil