Large: Owl - 6


OWL - The Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom, and Vision in the Night - Athena
Cycle of Power: Noctural-Year Round
Element: Air
Energy: Self Mastery, Healing Powers, High Wisdom - Light in the darkness
Association: Astral Projection, clairvoyance, magic (both black and white) Optical Calcite

Large: 4.5" x 4.5" x 4"high

BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, One of the most Powerful & Energetic Healing Stones on the Planet. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Surgical Precision as far as Energy - Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras

MOONSTONE - ArchAngel Gabriel, Haniel - Stone of the Goddess, Strengthens Psychic Intuition, Brings Balance & Harmony to All, Reflective, Calming, Assists in Flow of Life, Love Drawing, Gently Protective, Gives Wealth & Gift of Prophecy, Safe Travels, Opens Gateway to Subconscious - 2nd Chakra, 6th Chakra - Balances 4th Chakra

AQUA MARINE - ArchAngel Gabriel & Raguel, Sea Goddess - Stone of Courage - Clarifies Perception - Sharpens Intellect - Useful for Closure on All Levels Good Luck, Fearlessness, Protection - Moon Energies - Mystical Inspiration - Opens Clairvoyance - Shields the Aura & Aligns Chakras - Aquarius & Pisces - Throat Chakra

IOLITE - Stone of Vision - Stimulates Connection to Inner Knowing - Used as a Shamanic Stone for Journeying out the Body - Clears Thought Forms - Releases Psychological causes for Additions - Reduces Fatty Deposits and Supports Detoxification - Kills Bacteria - Activates the 3rd Eye when All Chakras are Aligned

OPTICAL CALCITE - ArchAngel Sandalphon - Viking Navigational Stone, Spiritual Awareness, Self Love, Worthiness - Amplifies Images to Help See Double Meanings Hidden in Common Communication - Heals Sight, Promotes Macrocosmic Awareness + Reverence for Creative Forces of Nature - Energy Amplifier - Helps One Recall Information on other Levels - Powerful Detoxifies for Physical + Energetic, Piezoelectricity - Pineal Gland Resonance, Clears and Activates All Chakras & Etheric Field

TIGER'S EYE - ArchAngel Uriel, Jophiel, & Sabrael, Sekhmet, Freyja - Christ Consciousness Connection - Increases Wealth & Vitality & Vision - Courage - Passion - Physical Strength - Attracts Money & Luck _ Successin New Ventures - Helpful with Stress - Divination - Protection against dark arts - All Lower Chakras: 1st, 2nd, 3rd

HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil