Large: Astral Travel, high Spiritual Guidance, Dream Work - 6
Large: 4.5" x 4.5" x 4"high
BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, One of the most Powerful & Energetic Healing Stones on the Planet. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Surgical Precision as far as Energy - Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras
ASTROPHYLLITE - Rare - Stone of Unlimited Potential - Guide and Protector in other Realms - Activates the Ability to "Dream True" - Dissolves unwarranted Guilt - Enhances Intuition & Decisiveness - Assists Meditation - Develops Spiritual & Intellectual Strengths -Crown Chakra
APATITE - ArchAngel Ariel - Stone of Manifestation - Blue: Connects One to very High Level of Spiritual Guidance - Creates Spiritual State of Unconditional Love - Assists Release of what no longer Serves - Access the Energy Levels of Akashic Records & Soul Patterns, Linked to Appetite Suppression - Throat Chakra
AMETHYST - ArchAngels Azrael & Jeremiel, St. Germain, Master Hilarion, Kuthumi - Stone of Protection/Spirituality/Contentment, Quickens the Mind, Cleansing, Healing, Calming, Bringer of Peace, Transformation, Known as the Stone of Change, Breaks up old Thought & Assists in Psychic Openings, Inner Strength, Increases Psychic Powers, Detoxification, Sixth & Seventh Chakra
PERIDOT - ArchAngel Raziel, Raphael, Sabrael & Zadkiel, Lakshmi, Pele - Stone of Healing & Vitality - Increases Patience, Confidence, Assertiveness - Slows the Aging Process - Stimulates the Mind - Visionary Stone - Connects to One's Destiny - Deepens Understanding of Purpose - Clears the Heart - Releases Ego - Enhances Sense of Peace and Quiet - Amplifies Intuitive Awareness - Alleviates Negative Emotions - Especially Good for Healing the Healers - Solar Plexus & Heart Chakras
GARNET - ArchAngel Raphael - Stone of Passionate Devotion, Wholeness, Healing, Unity. Lucky in Love, Success & Goals - Regenerating Stone, Cleansing and Reenergizing of the Chakras - Serenity - Protective Talisman - Stimulates the Controlled Rise of Kundalini Energy - Stone of Commitment - Brings Courage + Hope - Expands Awareness & Past Life ReCall -Stimulates - Metabolism- Cubic Structure Amplifies Effects of other Crystals
MICA/GOLDEN MICA - Reflection & Self Awareness - Improves Vision and Clarity of Mysticism - Gently Increases Psychic Abilities - Protects against negativity - Balances Earth Energies - Helps with Insomnia, Concentration and Memory - Sun Energy - Stabilizing Energy - Mental Clarity + Willpower - Solar Plexus, Third Eye & Crown Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
CELTIC KNOT - Trinity Knot, Celtic Triangle, Divine Feminine - Three interlocked loops, creating the intersection of three circles. There is no beginning and no end. The circle around it symbolizes protection; something that can not be broken. Protection - Infinite - Eternity, Mind - Body - Soul, Past - Present - Future, Thought - Feeling - Emotion, Father/Mother - Son/Daughter - Holy Ghost, Life - Death - Rebirth