CHAKRA PYRAMID SET - This set includes 7 small pyramids with stones and colors coordinated to the 7 chakra systems in the body. When used base to skin directly on the body, the orgone vortex can activate, enhance, balance and initiate chakra spin correction. Crystal information for each pyramid included. Limited availability.
$500.00 value
Small: 2" x 2" x 1.75"high
SMOKY QUARTZ - ArchAngel Jophiel - Stone of Serenity & Grounding - Links Higher Self - Mediumship - Uncovers Wisdom - Aligns Meridians of Physical & Etherical - Brings Abundance, Prosperity & Luck - Balances Mind & Energy - Initiates a Powerful Force Field - Transforms Negativity & Grief - Root & Solar Plexus Chakras
GARNET - ArchAngel Raphael - Stone of Passionate Devotion, Wholeness, Healing, Unity. Lucky in Love, Success & Goals - Regenerating Stone, Cleansing and Reenergizing of the Chakras - Serenity - Protective Talisman - Stimulates the Controlled Rise of Kundalini Energy - Stone of Commitment - Brings Courage + Hope - Expands Awareness & Past Life ReCall -Stimulates - Metabolism- Cubic Structure Amplifies Effects of other Crystals
FLOWER OF LIFE - 13 Circles - Contains one of the most sacred and important patterns of creation in the Universe. Everything is made from the Creator's thought. Within the Flower of Life is the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, Metatron's Cube and the Holy Trinity.
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
TANGERINE QUARTZ - St. Germain, Merlin, Ganesh, Hematite gives Orange Color - Master Healing Stone - Quartz is One of the Most Powerful Healing Stones on the Planet - Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - Expands Etheric Vision - EnhancesEvolution of Inner Self - Brings Balance to Relationships - Stimulates Creativity + Sexuality - Sacral Chakra
SPESSARTINE GARNET - Rare - Garnet of the Sun - Dark Gold, Orange, Scarlet, Deep Red - Activates Analytical Capabilities - Provides Confidence - Awakens Creative Energies & Strengthens One's Will - Sacral, Solar Plexus Chakras
SUPER SEVEN / SACRED SEVEN - (Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite & Lepidocrocite) Mind and Spirit Healing - Spiritually High Vibrations Stone - Shifts Vibratory Level of Gaia, Healing Planetary Grid - Attuned to the Highest Source of Guidance - Activates Spiritual Gifts - Amplifies other Crystals - All Chakras
CELTIC KNOT - Trinity Knot, Celtic Triangle, Divine Feminine - Three interlocked loops, creating the intersection of three circles. There is no beginning and no end. The circle around it symbolizes protection; something that can not be broken. Protection - Infinite - Eternity, Mind - Body - Soul, Past - Present - Future, Thought - Feeling - Emotion, Father/Mother - Son/Daughter - Holy Ghost, Life - Death - Rebirth
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
CITRINE - ArchAngel Raphael - One of only two minerals on the Planet which does not hold or accumulate negative Energy, but dispels and Transforms it. Brings Happiness, Personal Power, Creativity, Discipline, Will Power, Self Confidence. Light Citrine is Sun Energy - Good in Winter. Lucky Stone for Wealth & Abundance, Especially good for starting a new business. Prepares the Body, emotions & Mind to Release what No Longer serves & Move into Next higher State. 2nd Chakras
CARNELIAN - ArchAngel Chamuel, St. Germain - Power Stone, Confidence, Motivation, Concentration, Compassion, Courage, Self-Esteem. The Survivor's Stone. Protects from all Negative emotions. Most Powerful Action Stone for Focusing, Realization & Self-Actualization. In the Moment Stone, Grounds Energy & Attention in Present. Solar Plexus Chakra
SUN - Annunaki/Sumerian/Ananaki/Assyrian/Babylonian - Creation - Light - Initial Activation - Cosmic Power - Seasons - Direction - Solar Plexus Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, Said to be the Most Powerful & Energetic healing Stone on the Planet. Surgical Precision as far as Energy. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras
CONGOLESE MALACHITE - ArchAngel Raphael, Kuthumi - Stone of Transformation - Power Stone - Amplifies both negative and positive energies - Grounds spiritual energies onto the Earth - Guards against Radiation of all kinds - Clears EMF's and Heals the Earth - Assists in receiving mental images from the subconscious - Increases Intellect and Understanding - Stone of Travel - Psychic Protection - Throat & Third Eye Chakra
EMERALD - Sananda, Master Hilarion, Goddess Venus - Stone of Love, Romance & Great Harmony -Brings Joy, Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Memory & Faith - Symbol of Hope - Stone of Prophecy - Intuition, Communication, Truthfulness - Faithfulness - Imparts Wisdom - Heart Chakra
MICA/GOLDEN MICA - Reflection & Self Awareness - Improves Vision and Clarity of Mysticism - Gently Increases Psychic Abilities - Protects against negativity - Balances Earth Energies - Helps with Insomnia, Concentration and Memory - Sun Energy - Stabilizing Energy - Mental Clarity + Willpower - Solar Plexus, Third Eye & Crown Chakra
FLOWER OF LIFE - 13 Circles - Contains one of the most sacred and important patterns of creation in the Universe. Everything is made from the Creator's thought. Within the Flower of Life is the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, Metatron's Cube and the Holy Trinity.
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, Said to be the Most Powerful & Energetic healing Stone on the Planet. Surgical Precision as far as Energy. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras
APATITE - ArchAngel Ariel - Stone of Manifestation - Blue: Connects One to very High Level of Spiritual Guidance - Creates Spiritual State of Unconditional Love - Assists Release of what no longer Serves - Access the Energy Levels of Akashic Records & Soul Patterns, Linked to Appetite Suppression - Throat Chakra
AQUA MARINE - ArchAngel Gabriel & Raguel, Sea Goddess - Stone of Courage - Clarifies Perception - Sharpens Intellect - Useful for Closure on All Levels Good Luck, Fearlessness, Protection - Moon Energies - Mystical Inspiration - Opens Clairvoyance - Shields the Aura & Aligns Chakras - Throat Chakra
SRI YANTRA - Buddist - Sri Yantra, also called Sri Chakra, is a 2 dimensional symbol of the 3 dimensional form representing Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of the universe and the unity of the cosmos. It is known to usher in peace, prosperity, harmony and good fortune. The Sri Yantra in a 3 dimensional form is a multi pyramid triangular grid signifying unlimited abundance and positive powers. The five downward pointing triangles represent the Shakti (female), and the four upright triangles represent Shiva (male). The nine interlocking triangles form 43 small triangles each associated with a particular aspect of existence.
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
AMETHYST - ArchAngels Azrael & Jeremiel, St. Germain, Master Hilarion, Kuthumi - Stone of Protection/Spirituality/Contentment, Quickens the Mind, Cleansing, Healing, Calming, Bringer of Peace, Transformation, Known as the Stone of Change, Breaks up old Thought & Assists in Psychic Openings, Inner Strength, Increases Psychic Powers, Detoxification, Sixth & Seventh Chakra
PREHNITE - ArchAngel Raphael - Stone of Unconditional Love, Crystal to Heal the Healer, Enhances Visualization - Deepens Meditation, Universal Energy Grid Access Crystal, Attuned to Divine Energies, Seals Auric Field in a Protective Shield of Divine Energies, Inner Knowing, Calms Environment, Excellent Feng Shui Stone - De-clutters, Harmony with Nature and Elementals, Third Eye Chakra
MICA/GOLDEN MICA - Reflection & Self Awareness - Improves Vision and Clarity of Mysticism - Gently Increases Psychic Abilities - Protects against negativity - Balances Earth Energies - Helps with Insomnia, Concentration and Memory - Sun Energy - Stabilizing Energy - Mental Clarity + Willpower - Solar Plexus, Third Eye & Crown Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil
ANGEL AURA - Quartz/Silver/Platinum - Stone of High Spiritual Energy - Protects, Balances, Brings Energetic Health to Aura - Assists Kundalini Energy - Use in Meditation/Communication with Angels, Spirit Guides & Other Teachers - Assists in Accessing Akashic Records, Higher Self & Inner Wisdom - Miracles - Brings Peace & Tranquility - Crown Chakra
MOONSTONE - ArchAngel Gabriel, Haniel - Stone of the Goddess, Strengthens Psychic Intuition, Brings Balance & Harmony to All, Reflective, Calming, Assists in Flow of Life, Love Drawing, Gently Protective, Gives Wealth & Gift of Prophecy, Opens Gateway to Subconscious - 2nd Chakra, 6th Chakra - Balances 4th Chakra
HFF: High Frequency Formula consisting of: Sacred Sites Earth, Radionic Rock, Christ Consciousness Water and Sacred Egyptian Oil