43mm: Purple Crackle Quartz/24K Gold/Metatron's Cube - 85



43mm Raw Brass (1.69")
24K Gold

PURPLE CRACKLE QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael - Super Heated & Energy Infused - Life Enhancing - Energy Expansion - Joy - Fun - Life Force - Inspires Emotional Responsibility & Sovereignty - Higher Self Contact - Physical Recharge - Spiritual Development - New Perception & Spiritual Pathways - Loosens Crystalized Beliefs
- Aires, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagitarius, Aquarius - Links Solar Plexus to Heart - Communication - Being Heard - Assists with Speech and Hearing Challenges

METATRON'S CUBE - ArchAngelic - Metatron's Cube is a sacred symbol that forms a map of Creation. The field of Source energy represented by Metatron's Cube permeates through every level, through every aspect of Creation. As the original spark of LOVE of Source expands in all directions of time and space, God IS the energy waves, God is the colour, God is the sound and God is the physical matter. God is the entire field of Love.

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