14" Plate: SmokyElestial/Peridot/SmokyQBkKyanite/Fuchsite/Calcite/Emerald/Quartz/Pearl/FOL

Plate: 14" Diameter x 1.15" deep
SMOKY ELESTIAL QUARTZ - Soul Path Stone, Links to Divine and Higher Planes, Opens Metaphysical Gifts, Extreme High Vibration Stone for Spiritual Evolution, Facilitates Karmic Release Causing Core Soul Healing, Emotional Catalyst - Soul Star & High Crown Chakras - Outstanding Purifier - Pulls negativity out of Environment and Self Replacing it with Protective, Vibrant Light - Reduces Geopathic Stress, Excellent for Gridding
PERIDOT - ArchAngel Raziel, Raphael, Sabrael & Zadkiel, Lakshmi, Pele - Stone of Healing & Vitality - Increases Patience, Confidence, Assertiveness - Slows the Aging Process - Stimulates the Mind - Visionary Stone - Connects to One's Destiny - Deepens Understanding of Purpose - Clears the Heart - Releases Ego - Enhances Sense of Peace and Quiet - Amplifies Intuitive Awareness - Alleviates Negative Emotions - Especially Good for Healing the Healers - Solar Plexus & Heart Chakras
SMOKY QUARTZ - ArchAngel Jophiel - Stone of Serenity & Grounding - Links Higher Self - Mediumship - Uncovers Wisdom - Aligns Meridians of Physical & Etherical - Brings Abundance, Prosperity & Luck - Balances Mind & Energy - Initiates a Powerful Force Field - Transforms Negativity & Grief - Root & Solar Plexus Chakras
KYANITE (Black) - Ganesh - Stone of Karma Witnessed - Enables Access and Manifestation of Current Soul Plan - Mental Cleansing - Transmutes Pollution - Connects Cells to Divine Blueprint - Aligns Chakras
FUCHSITE - The Healer's Stone. Used by Ancient Healers & Shamans. Ensures Healer Will Not Surrogate the Responsibility of Other's Healing. Channels Information on Holistic & Herbal remedies. Increases energy of Other Crystals, Radiant Energy Aids in Accessing Information from the Universal Mind - via Intuition. Heart & Throat Chakra
PISTACHIO CALCITE - Stone of Humanity - Native American Holy Stone - bestowed as a gift by the Gods - Amplifies and Increases Energy - Protection - Grounding - Bringer of Inner Peace : Relaxation - Calm - Clears Negative Emotions - Power of the Sea - Goddess Energy - Loving Response
RAW EMERALD - Sananda, Master Hilarion, Goddess Venus - Stone of Love, Romance & Great Harmony -Brings Joy, Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Memory & Faith - Symbol of Hope - Stone of Prophecy - Intuition, Communication, Truthfulness - Faithfulness - Imparts Wisdom - Heart Chakra
BRAZILIAN QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael & Raziel, Kuthumi, Master Hilarion, Merlin, Ganesh - Master Healing Stone, One of the most Powerful & Energetic Healing Stones on the Planet. Absorbs, Stores, Releases & Regulates Energy - including Environmental. Surgical Precision as far as Energy - Balances & Revitalizes the Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Planes. Stimulates Immune System. All Chakras
PEARL - ArchAngel Gabriel - Connects One with the Goddess / Divine Feminine. Balances Emotions, Promotes Faith, Charity & Integrity. Absorbs Negativity. Heals All Chakras
FLOWER OF LIFE - 13 Circles - Contains one of the most sacred and important patterns of creation in the Universe. Everything is made from the Creator's thought. Within the Flower of Life is the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, Metatron's Cube and the Holy Trinity.