14" Plate: Amethyst/Violet Flame & Aqua Aura Quartz/Charoite.Kyanite/Turquoise/Metatron's Cube

Plate: 14" Diameter x 1.15" deep
AMETHYST - ArchAngels Azrael & Jeremiel, St. Germain, Master Hilarion, Kuthumi - Stone of Protection/Spirituality/Contentment, Quickens the Mind, Cleansing, Healing, Calming, Bringer of Peace, Transformation, Known as the Stone of Change, Breaks up old Thought & Assists in Psychic Openings, Inner Strength, Increases Psychic Powers, Detoxification, the Artist's Stone - Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo, Taurus & Scorpio - Sixth & Seventh Chakra
SUPER SEVEN / SACRED SEVEN - (Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite & Lepidocrocite) Mind and Spirit Healing - Spiritually High Vibrations Stone - Shifts Vibratory Level of Gaia, Healing Planetary Grid - Attuned to the Highest Source of Guidance - Activates Spiritual Gifts - Amplifies other Crystals - All Chakras
CHAROITE - SIberia - Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom, Guardian Angels - Violet Ray -Stone of Transformation & Fearlessness - Inner Vision & Spiritual Insight - Aura Cleansing - Gounds High Frequency into the Physical - Transmutes Dis-Ease into Wellness - Negativity Release - Clears Perspective - Harmony & Presence - Scorpio - Heart & Crown Chakra , Opens Third Eye Chakra
VIOLET FLAME AURA QUARTZ - St. Germain - Divine Purpose - Clarity of Focused Thought - Aetheric & Auric Cleanser & Healer - Transmutation into the Highest Good - Freedom - Joy - Raises Vibration of Beings and Spaces - All Chakras, especially 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras
AQUA AURA - Quartz/Gold/Aqua Marine - ArchAngel Raziel - Stone of Spiritual Elevation - Protection from Psychic Attacks & Other Drains - Activates Soul Energy - Stimulates Psychic Gifts - Attracts Wealth & Success Cleans & Heals Aura - Raises Vibration of Humanity - Accentuates Other Stones, Enhances Communication & Self Awareness - Calms Emotions - Connects Higher Chakras to One's Spirit Pisces - All Chakras
PURPLE CRACKLE QUARTZ - ArchAngel Michael - Super Heated & Energy Infused - piritual Development - New Perception & Spiritual Pathways - Loosens Crystalized Beliefs - Life Enhancing - Energy Expansion - Joy - Fun - Life Force - Inspires Emotional Responsibility & Sovereignty - Higher Self Contact - Physical Recharge - Aires, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagitarius, Aquarius - Links Solar Plexus to Heart
KYANITE (Blue) - Ganesh - Stone of Soul Path And Integrity - Extremely Light and Fast Vibration that Activates the Higher Chakras and Illumined Mind - Deep Meditation - Heals Etheric Blueprint - Enhances telepathic Communication - Brings Harmony and Unconditional Love to a Partnership
APATITE , BLUE - ArchAngel Ariel - Stone of Manifestation - Blue: Connects One to very High Level of Spiritual Guidance - Creates Spiritual State of Unconditional Love - Assists Release of what no longer Serves - Access the Energy Levels of Akashic Records & Soul Patterns, Linked to Appetite Suppression - Geminit - Throat Chakra
PURPLE FLUORITE - ArchAngels Azrael & Chamuel, Master Hilarion - Stone of Truth, Consciousness, Aura Cleansing, Intellect, Protection - Boosts Immune System, Stimulates the Regeneration of Cells - Dreams - Third Eye Chakra
BLUE CALCITE - Stone of Humanity - Native American Holy Stone - bestowed as a gift by the Gods - Amplifies and Increases Energy - Protection - Grounding - Bringer of Inner Peace - Calming Stone - Brings Stability - Trusting in Oneself - Memory Enhancing - Excellent for Students - Cancer & Pisces
PATAGONIA TURQUOISE - ArchAngel Sandalphon - Stone of Protection & Purification, Master Healer Stone, Connects Sky (Heaven) to Earth. Promotes Honest, Clear Communication from the Heart, Inner Calm, Brings Abundance, Kindness - Protects against pollution, Spiritual Solace , Self Realization, Friendship & Romantic Love, Warrior's Stone, Throat Chakra & Balances All Chakras
LEPIDOLITE - Ascended Masters, Angelic Realm - Stone of Transition, Highest Good, Aids in Shamanic & Spiritual Journeying, Akashic Record Access, Hope in Dark Times - Dream Recall, Restructures DNA, Facilitates Astral Travel, Stress Reduction, Self Sovereignty, Dispenses negativity, Must be Used for Highest Good - Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakras
SHUNGITE - Northwest Russia - Stone of Life - Unique Crystal Lattice Purifies, Heals, Protects, Restores and Stimulates Growth - Natural Antioxidant / Suppresses Allergies - Neutralizes EMF's, BioFields & Geo-pathic Stress - Base Chakra
METATRON'S CUBE - ArchAngelic - Metatron's Cube is a sacred symbol that forms a map of Creation. The field of Source energy represented by Metatron's Cube permeates through every level, through every aspect of Creation. As the original spark of LOVE of Source expands in all directions of time and space, God IS the energy waves, God is the colour, God is the sound and God is the physical matter. God is the entire field of Love.